Oxley Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) have in place a whistle-blowing policy and procedure for a whistle-blower to make a report to the receiving officer, being the Chairman of the Audit Committee (the “Receiving Officer”), on possible misconduct or wrongdoing relating to the Company and its officers, including improprieties in financial reporting or management.
The Board believes that the policy will ensure transparency and accountability in respect of the Group’s operations and management. The Audit Committee is responsible for oversight and monitoring of whistle-blowing reports.
A whistle-blower is strongly encouraged to identify himself so that he may be informed of the outcome of any investigation and thus maintain the transparency and effectiveness of the policy. The identity of the whistle-blower and confidentiality of the information provided would be protected to the greatest extent possible. However, action taken as a result of the report may lead to the identity of the whistle-blower being revealed in certain circumstances, either by inference or as required, for example, in legal or disciplinary proceedings. The whistle-blower will be protected against detrimental or unfair treatment in any case where he is not involved in any wrongdoing and has made the report in good faith. Where a matter reported falls within the scope of improper acts targeted by the whistle-blowing policy, the Receiving Officer will establish an independent committee to investigate into the matter. Appropriate follow-up actions will be taken based on the outcome of the investigation.
Whistle-blowers may submit the written report by sending an email to: whistleblowing@oxley.com.sg.